

09:00 bis 18:00
International Conference on UV LED Technologies & Applications

The International Conference on UV LED Technologies & Applications – ICULTA returns as a live event in 2023. It will be held from April 23 to 26, 2023 in Berlin, Germany.

The conference gets its unique character by covering the whole value chain: It highlights the state-of-the-art of UV LED technology, integration of UV LEDs into modules and systems as well as their application in industry and science. Opportunities and challenges with respect to applications in water, air, and surface disinfection are discussed as well as emerging applications in the areas of medicine, hygiene, life sciences, curing, sensing, horticulture, analytics, and other fields.

Mark the date in your calendar and benefit from the opportunity to meet partners from industry and research, to establish new contacts and to develop ideas for future cooperations. Further information are available on the conference website www.iculta.com

