Bekanntmachung: Verlängerung der Bewerbungsfristen zu EU Photonic Calls
Die Europäische Kommission hat mitgeteilt, dass die Einreichungsfristen für alle Themen des aktuell laufenden H2020-ICT-2020-2 calls vom 22. April auf den 17. Juni 2020, 17:00, MEZ verlängert wurden. Darunter fallen unter anderen die zwei folgenden Calls mit Bezug zur Photonik:
- ICT-36-2020: Disruptive photonic technolgies
The challenge is the development of advanced photonics technologies which have the potential to revolutionise an existing application sector or to create completely new applications and markets.
- 3D light field and holographic displays
- Packaging and module integration for photonic integrated circuits (PIC)
- Light to Fuel
- Next generation biophotonics methods and devices as research tools to understand the cellular origin of diseases
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 3 and 6 million would allow these to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
- ICT-37-2020 Advacing photnics technolgies and applicaltion driven photnics compinents and the innovation ecosystem
Innovative photonic sensing solutions can contribute to reducing food production losses and food wastes. Increased pollution of air, soil and water is raising new concerns regarding the safety of the environment and its potential risks for European citizens’ health. Distributed smart photonic sensor networks involving public participation through community-based monitoring could assist in creating inventories of emitted pollutants, identifying pollution hotspots, and alerting citizens in real time on potential health risks.
- Flexible Farm-to-Fork Sensing
- Novel Photonics Integrated Circuit (PIC) Technology building blocks
- Innovation Actions (IA): Smart Photonic Sensing for Environmental Pollution Detection
- Coordination and Support Actions: An industrial strategy for photonics in Europe
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 3 and 5 million for themes i and ii; EUR 4 and 7 million for theme iii, and up to EUR 4 million for theme iv would allow these to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Weitere Informationen zu dieser Bekanntmachung und den beiden Calls finden Sie hier.