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European Partnership MeLiDos

Looking for stakeholders!


European Partnership MeLiDos (Meterology for waerable light loggers and optical radiation dosimeters) is looking for stakeholders that are interested in becoming part of the project community

In the project MeLiDos(06/2023 – 05/2026), 16 partners are working on the personal measurement and assessment of exposure to light and UV radiation. The aim of the project is to create a harmonized framework for the characterization and use of portable light loggers and UV dosimeters. The background to this is the negative effects on physical and mental health, such as sleep disorders etc., which can be caused by incorrect exposure to light at the wrong time. The development and standardization of measurement tools to record this light exposure is crucial to advance research on the positive effects of light and the health risks through improved data quality.

The project will work around three key thematic areas:

  • Harmonized characterization methods for light loggers and solar UV dosimeters, with a focus on practicality and cost efficiency adapted to wearable devices.
  • Guidance on the use of wearable light loggers, from device selection to data representation, including data collection, validation and analysis, with a focus on making the data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reproducible (FAIR).
  • Investigations on the necessity and benefits associated with using spatially-resolved light logging devices (e.g. image-based) in order to more closely represent light exposure in the retinal plane.

What stakeholders is the project looking for?

The project consortium are looking for stakeholders that are interested in the project and the results. Stakeholders are invited to give feedback what would be of interest to them so that this can be taken into account in the project.

This could be relevant for the following players for example (companies, universities, research organizations, etc.):

  • Experts in the field of light and/or UV measurement, with portable light dosimeters (light loggers or wearable light loggers). This includes spatially resolved light measurement devices (e.g. camera-based) to visualize light exposure at the retinal level more accurately
  • Stakeholders involved in data representation, including data collection, validation and analysis (with a focus on providing data in a form that makes it findable, accessible, interoperable and reproducible (FAIR)).
  • Stakeholders from the field of health research (e.g. sleep research, dermatology, ophthalmology, etc.) for whose research activities the measurement of exposure to UV light is important

How do the partners benefit from participating?

  • They will be informed about initial results
  • They get access to meetings and materials to give feedback
  • They will receive invitations to trainings and other events
  • They can provide feedback and thus ensure that the needs of the stakeholders can be taken into account in the project
  • They will receive the newsletter and are involved in communicating the results

An expression of interest does not entail any obligation. The stakeholders can participate in the activities that are of interest to them.

If you are interested or would like further information, please contact:



Dr. Silvia Bensel
Senior Projektmanagerin Innovation Optik | Photonik

Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH

Tel +49 30 46302-187