Quantum Technology


17:00 till 21:00
Spreegold Bikini Berlin - Budapester Str. 50
Networking - Meet the BERLIN QUANTUM Ecosystem

The BERLIN QUANTUM Reception is organized by Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and kicks off the Kipu Industry Forum on the usability of quantum applications, hosted by KIPU Quantum GmbH in Berlin.  

The evening starts with an impulse about the BERLIN QUANTUM initiative by Dr. Katharina Witte as well as many networking and exchange opportunities with the Berlin and international quantum community. 

BERLIN QUANTUM is a joint initiative of Berlin's industry, research institutions and universities and aims to make Berlin an international hotspot for interdisciplinary and cross-sector research and development of quantum technologies. It is an open initiative for everyone who works and develops quantum technologies in Berlin, wants to become part of the ecosystem or is simply interested in finding out what is happening in the German capital on the topic of QT.

If you have any questions about the reception, please contact our Key Account Manager Sandra Chabrier.

Mail: sandra.chabrier@noSpamberlin-partner.de

Phone +49 152-09052 358


The BERLIN QUANTUM Reception is in connection with the Workshop “Quantum Computing Next” on 06.11.2024 in Berlin.

As part of the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschautz (BMWK) Project “QC Next - Innovation Concept for the Quantum Computing Software Stack”, KIPU Quantum GmbH, together with the consortium partners Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO) and Karlruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), is organizing a workshop in which the latest developments on the quantum computing software stack will be presented. All participants will have the opportunity to actively discuss important open development paths that are necessary to make quantum computers usable in industry. The results will be incorporated into an innovation concept, which is to be implemented by the community in the middle of next year via a corresponding BMWK funding measure.