Our Partners

These are our strong partners.

Advanced UV for Life

Advanced UV for Life is a consortium of academic institutions and industrial companies operating in development and application of UV LEDs. It aims at pushing the technological development, the availability and the use of UV LEDs.

Main issues are

  • replacement of currently dominant mercury vapor lamps by UV LEDs
  • development of novel applications of UV LEDs

Activities of the consortium cover the whole value chain: from material through UV LEDs and UV photodiodes, modules and systems with tailored properties to the final application, such as UV LED based components, systems and processes. The cooperation between component developers and end users of UV radiation will open up new markets and aims at innovative products in the application fields medicine, environment & life sciences, disinfection and production.

Advanced UV for Life is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the program "Twenty20 - Partnership for Innovation".


Contact Information


Advanced UV for Life
c/o Ferdinand-Braun-Institut
Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik
Gustav-Kirchhoff-Straße 4
12489 Berlin


Antje Mertsch
Phone: +49.30.6392-3397
E-Mail: info@noSpamadvanced-uv.de




AMA Fachverband für Sensorik e.V.

AMA Association for Sensor Technology (AMA) is one of the most important networks and representative of the interests of the key industry for technical innovations. AMA is a contact for sensor and measuring technology and provides a comprehensive overview of products and services in its industry directory. AMA maintains an innovation dialogue with all individuals taking part in the innovation process at the leading trade fair SENSOR+TEST, at community stands of important fairs worldwide, and at the scientific conferences SENSOR, OPTO, and IRS². AMA offers seminars in the areas of sensor, measuring, and microsystem technologies.



Contact Information

(Kopie 3)

Dr. C. Thomas Simmons
AMA Association for Sensor Technology
Phone: +49 (0)30 / 2219 0362-0
Email: info@noSpamama-sensorik.de


Ausbildungsnetzwerk Hochtechnologie Berlin (ANH Berlin)

The Ausbildungsnetzwerk Hochtechnologie Berlin is a network of high-technology actors Akteuren und Akteurinnen aus der Hochtechnologie-Branche. The activity focus is microsystems technology, optical technologies and nano technology, as well as the solar industry/ photovoltaics.

ANH Berlin consults and supports Berlin Brandenburg located companies in all questions, concerning the introduction and implementation of dual-system training. Moreover, the network informs students about job descriptions in the high-technology field, and initiates contacts between schools and companies.

be Berlin

Berlin is fascinating and inspiring city. The slogan “the place to be” highlights that regionally, nationally and internationally. Cultural, scientific, one of the leading business regions in Germany, a tourism magnet - and an attractive place to live and work.

On behalf of the State of Berlin, Berlin Partner of Economics and Technology GmbH implements the Berlin campaigns successfully for the past 7 years. With many ideas, activities and events the campaign shows what makes Berlin unique as a brand serving as an best practice example.

For over two years, the be Berlin campaign has used its "City of Opportunities" initiative to showcase Berlin's virtues and promote the city's image as a creative, innovative and value-generating place to live and work. In 2013 and 2014, be Berlin expanded its campaign to include 7 new themes designed to represent the city's key future fields. In 2015, the themes will be included into the international activities to extend Berlin's status as a major "City of Opportunities" even further.


Contact Information

Annabell Dörksen
Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH
Phone: +49 (0) 30 / 46302-599
Email: annabell.noll@noSpamberlin-partner.de


Berlin leuchtet e.V.
Contact Information

(Kopie 8)

Berlin leuchtet e.V.
Budapester Straße 41
10787 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 263 939 26
Fax: +49 (0)30 263 939 27
E-Mail: info@noSpamberlin-leuchtet.com


Berlin Partner for Business and Technology


First choice: Berlin Partner for Business and Technology

Berlin Partner for Business and Technology offers business and technology promotion for companies, investors and science institutes in Berlin. With carefully tailored services and excellent links to research, our experts provide an outstanding range of offerings to help companies launch, innovate, expand and secure their economic future in Berlin.

As a unique Public Private Partnership, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology is a cooperation between the Berlin State Senate and over 200 companies dedicated to promoting their city. Berlin Partner is also responsible for the German capital’s global marketing, for example with the successful “be Berlin” campaign.





Contact Information


Gerrit Rössler
Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH
Phone: +49 (0)30 / 46 302 456
Email: Gerrit.Roessler@noSpamberlin-partner.de


Berlin Sciences

The Berlin Science Portal (www.berlin-sciences.com) covers scientific activities in Berlin - with comprehensive information that is updated regulary and full of new developments. Berlin Sciences introduces sites of scientific expertise and fields of innovation. It presents portraits of top researchers in Berlin, shows succesful joint scientific and business projects, and provides information on networks, subsidies and support.

Contact Information

(Kopie 12)

Annabell Dörksen
Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 46302-599
Email: annabell.noll@noSpamberlin-partner.de


Enterprise Europe Network Berlin-Brandenburg

The aim of the Enterprise Europe Network is to help small and medium enterprises in developing their innovation potential and to introduce them to the possibilities of the policy of the European Commission. This new initiative of the Commission, launched in February 2008, offers companies a central location where they can seek advice and a variety of easily accessible services. The Enterprise Europe Network represents some 500 regional advisory services in 40 European countries. The new support network for enterprises will help its customers in finding business partners, especially if they want to begin operation abroad. It can arrange site visits, evaluate a company's needs, and offer advice on various issues. A reliable database links the various sponsoring organizations, which are in constant contact with each other and merge supply and demand.

Contact Information

Jens Woelki
Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH
Phone.: 030/ 46302 - 259
E-Mail: jens.woelki@berlin-partner.de



EPIC - European Photonics Industry Consortium

EPIC promotes the sustainable development of organisations working in the field of photonics. EPIC works closely with industry, universities, and public authorities to build a more competitive photonics industrial sector. www.epic-assoc.com

Contact Information


Carlos Lee
EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium
Tel.: +32 473 / 300433
E-Mail: carlos.lee@noSpamepic-assoc.com

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut fuer Hoechstfrequenztechnik (FBH) researches electronic and optical components, modules and systems based on compound semiconductors. These devices are key enablers that address the needs of today’s society in fields like communications, energy, health, and mobility. Specifically, FBH develops light sources from the visible to the ultra-violet spectral range: high-power diode lasers with excellent beam quality, UV light sources and hybrid laser systems. Applications range from medical technology, high-precision metrology, and sensors to optical communications in space. In the field of microwaves, FBH develops high-efficiency multi-functional power amplifiers, and millimeter wave frontends targeting energy-efficient mobile communications as well as car safety systems. In addition, compact atmospheric microwave plasma sources that operate with economic low-voltage drivers are fabricated for use in a variety of applications, such as the treatment of skin diseases.
The FBH has a strong international reputation and ensures rapid transfer of technology by working closely with partners in industry and research.

Contact Information

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik
Gustav-Kirchhoff-Str. 4
12489 Berlin
Phone +49.30.6392-2600
Fax +49.30.6392-2602
E-Mail fbh(at)fbh-berlin.de


Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institute (HHI)

The Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute is a global leader in the development of mobile and fixed broadband communication networks and multimedia systems. From photonic components and systems and fiber optic sensor systems through to high-speed hardware architectures, the Heinrich Hertz Institute works together with international partners from research and enterprise and for global markets on developing the infrastructures for the future Gigabit Society. At the same time it also develops future applications for broadband networks. Key focal areas of research are 3D TV, 3D displays, HDTV, gesture-controlled human-machine interaction, image signal processing and transmission, and interactive use of media.

Contact Information

Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institute
Phone: + 49 (0) 30 / 31002-400
Email: info@noSpamhhi.fraunhofer.de







HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg

The Berlin-Brandenburg region is one of the leading life sciences and healthcare industries centers in the world. The region’s main strengths are its unique concentration of science, business, clinics and the close network they maintain. Numerous technology parks and networks in different fields, above all biotechnology and medical technology, create an ideal infrastructure for transforming the latest scientific findings into innovative products for the healthcare sector. At the interface of business, science and clinics, the HealthCapital cluster management drives networking and the technology transfer and supports companies interested in relocating to the region. Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and ZAB Brandenburg Economic Development Board are responsible for managing the cluster.

Contact Information

Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH
HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg
T: +49 (0)30 46302-463
Email: info@noSpamhealthcapital.de


High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH

High-Tech Gruenderfonds invests in young, high potential high-tech start-ups. The seed financing provided is designed to enable start-ups to take an idea through prototyping and to market launch. Typically, High-Tech Gruenderfonds invests EUR 500,000 in the seed stage, with the potential for up to a total of EUR 2 million per portfolio company in follow-on financing. Investors in this public/private partnership include the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, the KfW Banking Group, as well as strategic corporate investors including ALTANA, BASF, Bayer, B. Braun, Robert Bosch, CEWE, Daimler, Deutsche Post DHL, Deutsche Telekom, Evonik, Lanxess, media + more venture Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG, METRO, Qiagen, RWE Innogy, SAP, Tengelmann and Carl Zeiss. High-Tech Gruenderfonds has about EUR 576 million under management in two funds (EUR 272 million HTGF I, EUR 304 million HTGF II).

Contact Information

Contact Information

High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH
Schlegelstraße 2
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 – (0) 228 – 823001-00
Email: info@noSpamhtgf.de


Imaging Network Berlin (INB)

Berlin is well-positioned in Germany to assume the leading role in molecular imaging, an area that will be increasingly important in the future. With the quality of equipment as well as the scientific excellence available, the INB forms a significant part of the molecular imaging value-creation chain.

An important goal for the INB is therefore to close potential gaps in the value-creation process and, where necessary, to integrate other partners so that it can optimally position itself within this strong-growth market of the future.


Contact Information


Bettine Gola
Imaging Netzwerk Berlin (INB)
Tel.: 030 / 46302-518
Email: bettine.gola@noSpamberlin-partner.de




INAM - Innovation Network for Advanced Materials

The Innovation Network for Advanced Materials supports the development of innovative and marketable products – which are based on organic and molecular electronics,
surface engineering, polymer science, compounds, additive manufacturing, battery technology, photovoltaics, hybrid materials, fibers, sensors, lighting as well as printed electronics for applications in healthcare, consumer electronics, wearables and photonic related technologies– by providing a platform of exchange, shared infrastructure and substantive cooperation.


The AdMaCom is a 6-week acceleration program organized by the Innovation Network for Advanced Materials – a consortium of researches, start-ups and industry partners who want to bring new technologies into everyone’s life. Corporate teams, start-ups, researchers and internationally selected mentors work together, receive trainings as well as business and technology guidance to develop innovative products and solutions.


Contact Information
Investitionsbank Berlin

As a development bank, the Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB) supports public and private investment projects in the fields of economy, infrastructure and housing. Using state, federal and EU funds, as well as its own resources, the ILB offers grants, soft loans, guarantees and venture and equity capital. To this end, the ILB is working together with savings banks, and cooperative and private banks.  The technology support provided by ILB includes grants from the program “Research and development for SMEs” to promote R&D projects in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Other grant programs for SMEs are “Innovation Assistant” and “Innovation Voucher”, with which the technology transfer between academia and industry is facilitated. The “Brandenburg Credit for SMEs” is an offer for loan financing. In the area of equity financing the ILB invests – through the BFB Early Phase Fund Brandenburg and the BFB Growth Fund Brandenburg – in technologically innovative SMEs during their early or growth stage.

Contact Information


Dietmar Koske und Carsta Matthes
Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg
Phone: +49 (0) 331 / 660 2211
E-Mail: kundencenter@noSpamilb.de




Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg

As a development bank, the Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB) supports public and private investment projects in the fields of economy, infrastructure and housing. Using state, federal and EU funds, as well as its own resources, the ILB offers grants, soft loans, guarantees and venture and equity capital. To this end, the ILB is working together with savings banks, and cooperative and private banks.  The technology support provided by ILB includes grants from the program “Research and development for SMEs” to promote R&D projects in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Other grant programs for SMEs are “Innovation Assistant” and “Innovation Voucher”, with which the technology transfer between academia and industry is facilitated. The “Brandenburg Credit for SMEs” is an offer for loan financing. In the area of equity financing the ILB invests – through the BFB Early Phase Fund Brandenburg and the BFB Growth Fund Brandenburg – in technologically innovative SMEs during their early or growth stage.

Contact Information


Dietmar Koske und Carsta Matthes
Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg
Phone: +49 (0) 331 / 660 2211
E-Mail: kundencenter@noSpamilb.de


Laserverbund Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

The Laser Association Berlin-Brandenburg is an association of laser experts from industry and academia. It was founded in December 1993 in Berlin and has 114 members. The association aims to promote the dissemination of laser technology, primarily in Berlin and Brandenburg. It promotes cooperation among businesses and research institutions in the areas of laser research, development and application. The Laser Association offers seminars, workshops and training on topics related to laser technology. Via the “Laser Letter”, the “Laser Crackerbarrel”, and its website, it informs on current industry topics.

Contact Information


Prof. Dr. Justus Eichstädt
Chairman of the board
Laserverbund Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
E-Mail: eichstaedt@th-brandenburg.de



Contact Information

Verena Jecke
Phone: 030 - 57708920
Email: jecke@noSpamlednetwork.de


LWL Portal

LWL Portal is an interactive online platform specializing in information about fibre optics and its technical components.

LWL Portal's target group comprises industry experts as well as the interested public. Our platform is designed to provide expert knowledge and make it available for all interested parties.

LWL Portal is an open platform, which means that the content itself can be created directly by the user - everyone can publish relevant information.

Furthermore, LWL Portal is an online meeting point for all relevant market players and therefore the perfect networking tool. It offers companies from the branch a tailor-made platform to efficiently present new products, services and processes. LWL Portal is the perfect gateway to the German-speaking market.

What we offer: Extensive media library (over 70 exclusive videos of keynotes, interviews, discussions, company presentations), news from the industry, calendar of events, trade directory, job offers, market place for sales or special deals, LWL Wiki - an encyclopedia of fibre optics,...


Contact Information

Justus-von-Liebig-Str. 7
12489 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 56 550 737
E-Mail: info@noSpamlwlportal.de


Maksymilian Pluta, Institute of Applied Optics (INOS)

The Institute of Applied Optics (INOS) is the largest photonics, application-oriented research centre in Poland, supplying innovative products and technologies to the industry, science, medicine, army and police. The Institute during its more than 60-year long activity has developed its own expertise in the area of industry oriented optical measurement systems applied in different multidisciplinary issues like: aircraft, automotive part testing, investigation of new materials, including, nanostructures. The measurement systems are offered for the visible, UV and IR spectral regions and combine both the methodology and the design of new devices, including software development for the processing and analysis of the acquired data and images. The capabilities cover also GRIN elements, diffractive optics and gratings, holography, interferometry, acousto-optics, computer-aided optical design, methods of precise characterization of shape and surface, optical fibers parameters and thin-film coatings.

Contact Information



Maksymilian Pluta Institute of Applied Optics
Tel.: +48 (22) 8132051
Dr. Dariusz Litwin



Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy Brandenburg

Brandenburg welcomes you! The German capital region Berlin-Brandenburg is highly attractive for your investment. Situated in the heart of Europe Brandenburg offers best conditions for innovative and profitable businesses.

The ILB - InvestitionsBank Brandenburg - closely cooperates with the WFBB - the Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation - and the BFB - Brandenburg Kapital GmbH - as partners for the future. This partnership ensures fast and specific advice on regional, central and EU funding as well as all aspects of finance.

Brandenburg has been awarded the label "European Entrepreneurial Region" (EER). This pilot scheme rewards annually up to three EU regions which have the most outstanding political vision to boost their entrepreneurial environment. The EER recognises forward-thinking regions, irrespective of their wealth, size or competences. One of the main principles of the EER is to help regions to contribute to the implementation of the "Small Business Act for Europe".


Contact Information

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy
Yvonne Moebius
Phone: 0331 866 1762
Email: Yvonne.Moebius@noSpamMWE.Brandenburg.de


OABB optic alliance brandenburg berlin e.V.

Through cooperation, coordination and pooling potentials in the capital region, OABB optic alliance brandenburg berlin e.V. was created as part of an industry network; it is a supra-regionally and nationally acting network which is deservedly regarded as one of the most important networks in the field of innovative ophthalmic optics in Germany and Europe.
The requirement of this network is to develop the ophthalmic optics in the Brandenburg and Berlin region into a nationally and internationally renowned and established technology location in optics. The aim is to develop new innovative interfaces between large companies, SMEs and academic institutions, while also involving the ophthalmic trades in the capital regio

Contact Information


Randolph Götze
OABB optic alliance brandenburg berlin e.V.
Phone: +49 (0)3385 / 572 350
E-Mail: info@noSpamoabb.de


Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V.

OpTecBB and its members have set themselves the following objectives:

  • to combine and network the existing regional potential in thefield of optical technologies
  • to promote the knowledge and technology transfer from research to industry
  • to initiate R&D projects and to support cooperations
  • to provide an information and communication platform
  • to organize joint marketing activities and trade fair exhibits to promote companies, research institutions and the region
  • to inform and advise the state governments and business support organizations
  • to promote education and training in the field of optics photonics, to establish the region as a training site, and to ensure availability of young skilled workers


Contact Information

Dr. Frank Lerch
OpTecBB e.V.
Phone: +49 (0)30 / 6392 1728
E-Mail: lerch@noSpamoptecbb.de


OPTOKLASTER - Mazovian Photonic Technology Cluster was founded in October 2008. Optoklaster gathers manufacturing companies and research institutions agglomerated in Warsaw and its neighborhood (Mazowieckie voivodship ). Optoklaster's headquarters are located in the Institute of Applied Optics, which acts as the coordinator of the Cluster. Companies belonging to the Optoklaster are manufacturing optical and optoelectronic elements, semiconductor lasers, laser apparatus for medical sector, as well as laser equipment for industry.

Contact Information

Mazovian Photonic Technology Cluster
Phone: +48 (22) 8102589
Email: optoklaster@noSpamoptoklaster.pl  


Photonics Society of Poland

Photonics Society of Poland (PSP) - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Fotoniczne was transformed from the SPIE Poland Chapter on October 18, 2007 during the Extraordinary General Meeting of the SPIE Poland Chapter members. Photonics Society of Poland (PSP) is presently with its 215 members (as of February 25, 2008) the largest and the most powerful optics/optoelectronics/photonics organization in Poland. It has already started integration and consolidations activities with Committee of Electronics and Telecommunication/Polish Academy of Sciences (Prof. T.R. Wolinski chairs also its Optoelectronics Section) and with Committee of Optoelectronics/ Society of Polish Electrical Engineers.


Contact Information

Photonics Society of Poland at    
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Physics
Phone: +48 (22) 234 57 43
Email: psp@noSpamphotonics.pl    



Photonics21 is a voluntary association of industrial enterprises and other stakeholders in the field of photonics in Europe. It unites the majority of the leading Photonics industries and relevant R&D stakeholders along the whole economic value chain throughout Europe. Presently,  Photonics21 has more than 1700 stakeholders.

Contact Information

Photonics21 Secretariat
c/o VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH
Phone: +49 (0) 211 / 6214 668
E-Mail: secretariat@noSpamphotonics21.org

Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises The core task of the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Business with its 340 employees is to create the right framework conditions for the economy so that existing Berlin com

The core task of the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Business with its 340 employees is to create the right framework conditions for the economy so that existing Berlin companies can grow in the global competition and so that new companies can choose Berlin as their location. Securing and creating jobs is the top priority. In its successful course, the Senate Department is relying on the capital's proven strengths:

  • attractive commercial and industrial locations,
  • a large pool of qualified and motivated specialists
  • as well as an impressive creative variety with a high quality of life.

The Joint Innovation Strategy of the Länder Berlin and Brandenburg-innoBB adopted on 21 June 2011 forms the binding guideline for innovation policy action in both countries. With innoBB, Berlin and Brandenburg are pursuing a concept of "intelligent specialisation" and focusing on the targeted establishment and expansion of clusters with high development potential.

The joint future fields identified in 2007, such as optics and photonics, were thus developed into transnational clusters in the course of a growth- and competition-oriented strategy, the development process of which is to be continued systematically and in a qualified manner in the future.


Contact Information

(Kopie 57)

Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises
Aleksandra Sulewska
Phone: +49 (0)30 / 9013 -7261
E-Mail: aleksandra.sulewska@noSpamsenweb.berlin.de



Talentportal www.talent-berlin.de

Berlin – your new home. On our portal, you find useful and interesting information related to living and working in Berlin: information on Berlin’s sectors/clusters, job offers, location informa-tion as well as tips and tricks for the everyday life in Berlin. Our job portal compiles 90% of all published vacancies for the capital region. At the same time, we help you in relocating, searching for an apartment, the first steps in your new home city and accompany your visits to the local authorities. The best thing about it: in our community, you can ask questions concerning your new start in Berlin and will receive a personalized response on short notice. Here you meet other new and old Berliners, thus benefiting from their experience. Made with Love in Berlin.

Job portal: From an architect to a zoo director – our meta job portal combines the major part of the published vacancies for the capital region. Companies from Berlin and Brandenburg can insert their ads for free.


Contact Information

Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH
E-Mail: talent@noSpamberlin-partner.de
Telefon: +49 30 46302-389


Technologiekreis Adlershof e.V.

The Technologiekreis Adlershof e.V. is a registered society. It comprises the Adlershof-based high-tech companies and supports cooperation, mutual exchange and networking among the companies.

If you are interested, feel free to contact our secretary.


[Translate to English:] Kontaktinformation

Technologiekreis Adlershof e.V.
Dr. Christine Wedler
Phone: + 49 (0) 30 / 6392-2070
Email: anke.wollik@noSpamtk-adlershof.de


Technologiestiftung Berlin

Innovation plays a pivotal role in meeting future challenges and drives the city’s ongoing social and economic development. Technologiestiftung Berlin is committed to transforming new ideas into reality and shifting projects emerging from Berlin's R&D community into action. It identifies and develops emerging technologies best suited for advancing Berlin as a leading place for innovation und prosperity.

Contact Information

Technologiestiftung Berlin
Frauke Nippel
Fasanenstraße 85
10623 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 46 30 504


VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.

VDE, the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies, is one of the largest technical and scientific associations in Europe with more than 34,000 members. VDE members include not only engineers but also scientists, students, technicians, all important businesses in the electrical, electronic and information technology industry, the electrical utilities, federal authorities and institutions. The VDE is represented throughout Germany on a regional basis by 29 regional societies - of which one is located in Berlin -, and is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main.


VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.
Representative Office Berlin:
Sabine Schattke
Phone: +49 (0) 30 / 383868-21
Email: berlin@noSpamvde.com


WFBB Arbeit – Team Fachkräfte & Qualifizierung der Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB)
Contact Information


Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB)
Team WFBB Arbeit – Fachkräfte & Qualifizierung
Friedrich-Engels-Straße 103 (Bahnhofspassagen)
14473 Potsdam

Ansprechpartner für das Thema Fachkräfte im Cluster Optik und Photonik:

Herr Andy Stolz
Team WFBB Arbeit - Fachkräfte & Qualifizierung
Tel.: +49 3391 – 775-9671
E-Mail: andy.stolz@noSpamwfbb.de

Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB)

The Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation "Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH" (WFBB) is the central contact for investors, local entrepreneurs and technology-oriented start-ups. With our expert knowledge, our contacts and a close network to our partners as well as tailor-made service packages, we offer all services for economic and employment promotion from a single source - individually, confidentially and free of charge.

The Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation provides support for business location and expansion, for innovation, internationalisation and networking, helps recruit skilled workers and train employees, advises on financing and subsidy issues, and acts as a pilot for administrative routes. The WFBB thus promotes the further development of industry-related economic clusters in the state of Brandenburg and the German capital region. As an energy saving corporation, the WFBB is also closely involved in the implementation of the state's energy strategy.

For the realisation of the establishment and expansion of clusters with high development potential, the WFBB is carrying out the ERDF-funded project "Ways and Strategies for Sustainable Cluster Development and for Cluster Connecting Challenges in Brandenburg 2018 - 2020". The central task of the cluster management set up in the project is to implement the topics of the respective master plans together with the partners and to network actors in a targeted manner.

With its headquarters in Potsdam, regional centres in Cottbus, Eberswalde, Frankfurt (Oder), Neuruppin and Potsdam and a settlement office in Schönefeld, the company is represented throughout the state of Brandenburg.


Contact Information

Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB)
Babelsberger Straße 21
14473 Potsdam


Dr. Anne Techen
Cluster Manager Photonics
Phone: 0331 – 730 61-424
E-Mail: anne.techen@noSpamwfbb.de


WISTA Management GmbH

The WISTA-MANAGEMENT GMBH is the One-Stop-Agency in Germany's most successful science and technology park: Berlin Adlershof. Modern technology and entrepreneurial centers; eleven non-university research institutions; the natural sciences campus of the Humboldt University and Berlin's largest media location create an unique cluster of innovation. WISTA-MANAGEMENT establishes and manages technology centers, markets rental space, supports start-ups and project development consultancies. WISTA-MANAGEMENT promotes the networking between science and finance, as well as national and international cooperation, manages public relations for the entire development district and works closely with the marketing and sales subsidiaries of the Adlershof Project GmbH.

Contact Information

Phone: +49 (0) 30 / 6392 2200
E-Mail: pr@noSpamwista.de